Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day Three

Bright sunlight filters through the transom windows high on the wall. The close call in the grocery store made for a twitchy night. It may have been my imagination but I swear there were more bumps, cries and howls in the night than usual. Although who is to say what is usual anymore. Crinkling my nose at the crappy taste in my mouth I reach for a bottle of water. Guzzling it down I imagine a steaming hot cup of coffee. And scrambled eggs with bacon. And pancakes with melted butter and tons of real maple syrup. Followed by a long hot shower. With real soap and shampoo. I never realized how important hot water on tap was until I did not have it anymore. Sighing I reach for my trusty can opener and peruse the available offerings. Peas. Carrots. Spinach. And on my, a treasure. A single small can of canned peached in heavy syrup. I decide to splurge and have the peaches. I dig further down and find some potted meat. Add the last of the stale crackers and I have the breakfast of champions. Chowing down I wander through the stacks randomly reading the names of the books. Grabbing a likely looking selection I stuff it in a pocket for later. Stephen King is always good for a laugh. Especially now that the world has ended. I wonder if old Stevie survived. Hated to think of a world with him gone. Should we survive the New World will need wordsmiths to chronicle the fledgling civilizations. Tossing the morning garbage in the can I realize I have put off going out for as long as I can. With no electricity and no running water I made my toilet area behind the building. Not as private but better than living in a building with overflowing toilets. Grabbing my toiletry bag and weapons I head toward the rear doors. When I first came to the library I locked it down tight. All the doors barred and rigged with alarms. Then I realized I needed easier access in and out so I used the storm shutters on a side window to create my own little bolt hole complete with padlock and chain. I pull the chain through and padlock it from the outside when I leave. Then after my morning ablutions I slide back through and lock it from the inside. Easy peas-y. Perching on the window ledge I scan the outdoors. Everything looks quiet. I listen and watch. Seems like I am the only human out and about this early. Locking everything tight I head toward my makeshift outhouse. Taking care to use only a little of the water I take time to brush my teeth and run a soapy rag across my face. It is not safe enough for a full bath but I can at least feel somewhat human with a clean face and mouth. I shovel a bit of lime into the hole to aid in breakdown. Heading home I map out my day. I really need to find out why there is so much food left in that store. A few runners should not have kept the looters at bay. Not for this long. Since I avoid the area where the duck dynasty militia is hiding out I can not be sure they haven't set a trap for unwary survivors. I know that a group of men in camouflage carrying large weapons may not be the safest place for a single woman. Perhaps that is sexist of me but I don't want to prove my theory at the expense of my health, sanity or anything else. No means no. But men with guns may not recognize that fact. Slipping back into the library I relock bolt hole and head for the front. I stow my gear under the circulation desk. No sense advertising the fact that I am here. Laying out the town map I retrace my steps from yesterday. Time to go shopping. Weapon, water, an empty backpack and I'm out the door. Slipping from building to building I try to stay within the shadows as much as possible. The heat is already reaching the unbearable point. The sun is broiling the pavement. Nearing the grocery store I slip into a dry cleaner on the corner. This should provide some cover as I watch the store front. Crouching below the window I double check my weapons. Pulling out the novel I had chosen earlier I settle down to read while I wait. If no men in camo gear show up, in a couple of hours I may risk another foray into the store. Until then Stephen King and I will spend the afternoon in Derry Maine. A couple of chapters into the book I realize I am hearing the snick of feet on pavement. Nothing too loud but it is enough to alert me that someone is outside. I slip the book back into my pocket while I ease my knife out of the sheath. A gun may do more damage but it also lets everyone know exactly where you are and what you are doing. The snick snick snick gets louder. Sounds like there is more than one. Moving slow I risk a glance out the window. The awning over the front makes a dark shadow so it's unlikely anyone can see me. Peering up and down the street I catch a glimpse of movement. An arm, a leg. The side of a face. One of the camo boys is sneaking his way down the street. He is good. He slips in and out of the shadows low and slow. Stopping in front of the bank he motions behind him. Two more pop out of the alley. Guns at the ready they slip past the first guy and into the alley beside the grocery store. The first guy motions again and two more slip out, pass him and disappear into the alley. That makes five armed men. Not good odds for me. I am arguing with myself. Do I run and hide or do I stay and find out what is going on in that store? Risking another look I catch the first guy looking my way. Ducking back down I start to panic. Crawling as fast as I can I head behind the counter. Praying I can find the back door before he comes looking for me. Pushing my way through the employee only door I stand up and get my bearings. Strange mechanical contraptions with cloths hanging, big carts filled with linens. Racks of clothes wrapped in plastic. Not seeing a back door. There has to be a loading bay or something. Scouting around the walls I can hear my own heart beating in my ears. If camo guy saw me, he will for sure be coming up behind me any minute now. Hiding may be the better option. If he can't find me then he will move on and I can slip out the back. Climbing into one of the large laundry carts I pull a load of linens over myself. I use my knife to cut a tiny slit in the canvas so I can watch the door. Just as I start to calm down I see the muzzle of a gun slip past the door frame. Camo guy follows. Square jaw. Hat pulled low. Looks military. Kind of like GI Joe. Broad shoulders. Big gun. I do not want this guy to find me. I hold my breath and start praying. He steps further and further into the room. Scanning up, down, side to side. He starts toward the back of the building and I hear grunting. A runner is in the building. Now I am truly terrified. I can't hope to fight a runner and GI Joe. Just as I decide to make a run for it I hear the high pitched scream of a runner. It is on the move and it won't stop until it kills or is killed. I popped up out of the cart just as GI Joe let out a scream. I felt a hot bumblebee whiz by my head and realized Joe had a silencer. I scrambled out of the cart as another bumblebee whizzes by. This guy is either the worst shot ever or he's too busy being eaten to aim properly. I hunker down and start another argument with myself. If GI Joe can't save himself then that is too bad. I have to get out of here. Survival is key. Unfortunately there is obviously a bleeding heart tree hugger in me that won't let me walk out on another human being while they are being eaten by a mutant virus ridden prior human thing. Shaking my head at my own stupidity I head toward the sounds of the scuffle. Looks like GI Joe may have a chance after all. He has the runner pinned to the wall with a cart but his gun is gone and there is blood pouring down his neck. The runner is grunting and shoving the cart away. The blood must be making him even crazier. I sprint past GI Joe, push the cart sideways and shove my knife into the runners eye. The runner drops like a rock. Knife to the brain does the job every time. Wiping eye goo and blood off my face and then my blade I turn to GI Joe. He is gaping at me like he has seen a ghost. He mumbles something as he pitches over into the cart. Checking him I realize he passed out. GI friggin' Joe and he passes out from a little blood loss. I tumble him all the way into the cart. I have to take him back to the library. If he doesn't bleed out before I get there then I may be able to find out what is going on. And with him unconscious I can truss him up like a thanksgiving turkey so he won't give me any trouble. I shove the cart along the back wall finally finding the loading bay door. Shoving the cart through the door I head down the back streets to my lair. Berating myself the whole way for bringing a strange man, albeit an injured, unconscious man, into my safe place.

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